
Begin your journey this ramadan with waqf shares

General Waqf Share

Invest £150 in a Waqf Share—sustain charity projects with returns from Shariah-compliant investments.

Ramadan Waqf Share

Give £600 for a Ramadan Waqf Share—provide food for fasting families year after year.

Sadaqah Jariyah

Give Sadaqah Jariyah—create lasting rewards through ongoing charity that benefits generations to come.

Water Waqf Share

Invest £150 in a Water Waqf Share—help provide clean water and sanitation for those in need.

Health Waqf Share

Invest £150 in a Health Waqf Share—support hospitals, medical care, and life-saving treatments for those in need.

Education Waqf Share

Invest £150 in an Education Waqf Share—help provide learning opportunities for generations to come.

Where Your Waqf Profits Were Spent in 2023


Our News

Infinite Good

One form of charity in Islam that is considered Sadaqa Jariyah (continuous charity) is Waqf. It involves dedicating certain funds or assets, such as land, for the benefit of people without reclaiming them. Donations are collected for investment in favour of the poor in a secure and Sharia-compliant system, with the proceeds used to finance projects that provide continuous benefits to those in need. A portion of the returns is reinvested, ensuring the continuity and lasting impact of your donation. This is s different form of charity. Donate today for the benefit of tomorrow. Infinite Good.

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