In today’s world, we’re witnessing a rapid increase in crises and disasters caused by natural events, political conflicts, military wars, pandemics, or economic downturns.

The growing number of tragedies should not lead us to accept them as an unavoidable part of life without attempting to find solutions. Instead, it is a clear signal that we need to be better prepared and more responsive in reducing their effects. Indifference or becoming used to crises is a major threat to humanity, as it makes us less compassionate, worsens the suffering of the less fortunate, and minimises the impact of collective pain.

“Timely and targeted intervention” is crucial for effective action and positive impact. Taking initiative during times of crisis is valuable because it allows us to change the course of events and alleviate human suffering when it’s most critical. It’s important to always remember that crises are more than just statistics or headlines; they are about the lives and destinies of real people.

It has been a year since the genocide in Gaza began, leaving over two million people displaced and devastated, with no immediate solution in sight. Additionally, it has been over a year since the conflicts in Sudan erupted, resulting in millions of displaced people, orphans, the sick, and the homeless, and the turmoil continues unabated.

In countries like Yemen, Syria, Sri Lanka, Mali, and many others, countless people are being denied their fundamental right to live with dignity. Staying silent in the face of these atrocities only serves to normalise and become accustomed to the suffering.

How can you take action to reduce the impact of crises and disasters?

As crises continue to grow, so does the need for aid. You can take initiative today and help alleviate the effects of crises on the poor by donating to the International Waqf Fund from wherever you are, at any time.

If you believe that you can change even a small part of reality, support the Emergency Relief Waqf Share or donate any other Waqf Share. You can also donate any amount as Sadaqah Jariya to help implement relief and development projects.

Crises are not far from us, but it is our shared humanity that brings us together!

Category: News