indonesia donate waqf sadaqah jariyah :

indonesia donate waqf sadaqah jariyah : Pidie Jaya is a district in Indonesia which has experienced many hardships over the years.

What is Sadaqah Jariyah? 

Sadaqah Jariyah refers to the long-term charity like sponsoring the education of an orphan to help them meet their needs all their life.

Benefits of Sadaqah :

For example :

  • Sadaqah Helps Cure Illness and Averts Death.
  • Sadaqah Eases Hardships and Removes Calamities.
  • Sadaqa is an Investment in This Life and Hereafter.
  • Sadaqa Expiates Sins.
  • Sadaqah is One of the Gates of Jannah.
  • Sadaqa Will be your Shade on the Day of Judgement.
  • Sadaqah Purifies the Nafs.

Following such unfortunate events, Pidie Jaya is now one of the poorest areas in Indonesia.


Out of the 150,000 people living in Pidie Jaya, around 30,000 people (20%) live below the poverty line.


Therefore Sadly, around 2,000 of these are orphans, with around 1,000 residents also living with disability.


Such as, On December 2016 an alarming 6.5 magnitude earthquake the devastated Pidie Jaya.


In other words, A 47-year-old mother of three children, Ibu Salamah is a full-time carer to a disabled child.


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