Student Osman using the smartboards provided by International Waqf Fund in Bosnia

This technology, therefore, facilitates quality teaching and learning, making classes more efficient and productive.
We provided 21 smartboards in the Gazi Husrev-Bey Madrasa.
Osman, a student at the Gazi Husrey-Bey Madrasa told us how much these smartboards and smarter technology have helped improve his quality and level of education:
“We are very grateful for the opportunity that was given to us. The interactive projectors are going to improve the quality of our education. We are going to have much more fun as classes will be more interesting.”

The difference between IWF and other organisations is that IWF will invest your donations and bring a sustainable return year on year and serve people indefinitely.

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International Waqf Fund. Infinite Good.


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Student Osman using the smartboards provided by International Waqf Fund in Bosnia