International Waqf Fund reached out to as many people as possible, providing vulnerable individuals with Qurbani meat to enable them to feel valued and included during Eid festivities. We bought joy to 4,774 people during Eid by providing them with high-quality halal meat.
Meet Abdo
Before the war broke out, Abdo had a secure life as a construction worker. After the conflict gripped the country, Abdo and his family became worried about their welfare and subsequently decided to flee their home.
The family therefore cannot afford meat and often live off fish, potatoes, and tomatoes.
“في الحرب، أصاب صاروخ منزل أختي ودمره. أصيب ابنها بجروح بالغة، مما أدى إلى إتلاف عموده الفقري وجمجمته. كانت النساء في عائلتي خائفات حقًا، وشعرت بعضهن بتوعك شديد. ولهذا السبب قررنا الفرار إلى عدن”.
وبالتالي، فإن لحوم الأضاحي التي قدمناها كانت قادرة على توفير القوت الذي تشتد الحاجة إليه.
“أنا ممتن من أعماق قلبي للدعم السخي الذي تقدمه الإغاثة الإسلامية. وآمل أن يستمر هذا الدعم.”
The difference between IWF and other organisations is that IWF will invest your donations and bring a sustainable return year on year and serve people indefinitely.
Find out more about International WAQF funds. If you may need any help Get in touch PLEASE!
International Waqf Fund. Infinite Good.