Student Merima at Elci Ibrahim Pasha Madrasa

This new form of technology allows for better interactive communication between teachers and students, with the display of digital images and videos and the touch screen features catering to different learning needs, incorporating visual, audio, and kinaesthetic approaches to learning into lessons.
In 2019, International Waqf Fund supported Elči Ibrahim Pasha Madrasa, equipping this school with 17 smart boards.
Merima a senior student at Elči Ibrahim Pasha Madrasa in Travnik speaks on how the new smart boards have helped her immensely in her education.
“We used to work on much older chalkboards and unfortunately this would sometimes not work well.
However, with this new technology, it’s much easier to play our presentations. Our teachers are using the smartboard to offer their lessons in a more creative way and this helps us to learn better [in class].”

The difference between IWF and other organisations is that IWF will invest your donations and bring a sustainable return year on year and serve people indefinitely.

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International Waqf Fund. Infinite Good.


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Student Merima at Elci Ibrahim Pasha Madrasa